(2015, November) Cognitive Performance and Mood Following Ingestion of a Theacrine-Containing Dietary Supplement, caffeine, or Placebo by Young Men and Women.

Reduced blood flow to the brainĬaffeine is also a vasoconstrictor. People with ADHD should only use caffeine in the morning and should avoid consumption of coffee, tea, soda, or chocolate in the evening or late at night.

Sleep deprivation makes these symptoms worse in people with ADHD. Sleep deprivation can cause ADHD-like symptoms.

For example, people who have trouble sleeping can experience further sleep disturbances or insomnia due to caffeine. Sometimes the effect can be negative, however. This stimulation can cause a person to feel energized and not to feel the effects of fatigue as strongly. It stimulates the body’s central nervous system, and boosts the brain’s production of a neurochemical known as dopamine, which controls the ability to focus and maintain concentration.